Friday, November 22, 2013

From pencils to pixels

The gateway is seen here as the computer. The way of literacy. I agree almost because it is not yet completely taken over there still are libraries and some teachers enforce students to cite books which keeps it alive somewhat, but computers are taking over. Writing is a way of engineering materials in order to accomplish an end which makes it a technology. A pencil is technology because it always you to write which can accomplish many tasks. Written words are recorded unless destroyed in the book and can be used to story tell. Having word alone can have stories changed about because people forget and make it up. The computer is beginning to completely take over and it seems that most are ok with that or they just aren't aware. However, writing with pencil and paper needs to stay around or all past ways of literacy will be forgotten and the definition of literacy will change forever.

"Writing in the 21st Century"

Problems are creating new models of writing, having a curriculum support such models, and creating models to teach it. There is always something against writing it varies from century to century. Yancey is strong in his stance that we need to get with the 21st century and adapt with it. People associate writing with emotions someone is putting on paper or expressing yourself. Self sponsored writing is where there is an individual and not a group or institution funding the writer. Being with the 21st century technology is important because everyone else is catching up and if we begin to fall behind literacy could develop a completely new meaning.

Brave New world

With today's fast-paced modern world, we are going to utilize our social medias in this very similar way. we love having everyones information at our finger tips through Facebook, Tumblr, and all the other sites we utilize, but Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, quickly relaixed his users werent going to search for everyone's information everyday for an update on their life. The news feed was big because it allowed anyone to find out more about a person or local events. It allows people to keep up in the fast paced world in the 21st century. This creates a false sense of awareness which makes people more anti social because they already read online what someone had to say.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Shirky’s “Gin, Television, and the Cognitive Surplus”

1)The article is about cognitive surplus. We have so much free time that we don't even know what to do with it. His argument is that we spend to much time watching tv and not enough time making good use of the free time.
2)This article defines literacy as people who can look on the web and see the answer instead of digging deeper. The difference is that the other two articles say that literacy is digging deeper to understand the real meaning, but here however it is just knowing the information at hand.
3)Free time that people have and are doing something even if it is just thinking.
4)This article matters because it shows that we are devolving and not using our brain as much as we should.
5)"looking for the mouse", "cognitive surplus".
6)"We are looking for the mouse" is repeated time after time. It shows that even in the slightest way we make use of free time, the cognitive surplus, and it can be good because people can brainstorm and come up with the next new big idea.

Is google making us stupid

This article seems very worried about the fact that America and countries everywhere rely on technology now. This article says the reading is no where near as prevalent anymore due to the fact that you can type anything in on Google and have an answer right away instead of having to read through hundreds of books just looking for one single answer. They say reading isn't something inherent like speech, but is instead taught to us over a period of time. If we don't have as many people using books and looking or just reading for fun then the idea of reading and learning will begin to diminish more and more.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Since I'm a twitter user mostly I decided to search for twitter accounts. Will ferril is who I chose because he is funny and talks about whatever he wants. He is not to attached to government affairs so he is ok with me. I am a big fan of him so I like it.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Social media

I realized that I somewhat know how to sensor when it comes to social media. It starts with Facebook which is open to my whole family and family friends with my mom watching it like a hawk. I am aware that she watches it like a hawk too. I show my nicer goody goody side on Facebook naming select few events like graduation and put up pictures. My twitter is on private because I don't want people looking at it. If a job could get my twitter I would have to delete most of what is on it. I had my instagram deleted because it was not a good representation of myself because it was pictures that other people would put up and tag me in that I didn't want. If a job was looking to hire me I would either delete some accounts or have some heavy deleting to do.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I am looking at the song Back In Black and how it is in Iron Man. It is such an intense song that is a tone below screaming. It is a pump up song and most of the song sounds like he can bounce back from anything. He says he has nine lives like a cat. He avoids the rope that was around his neck and he keeps going and nothing stops him. This song correlates perfectly with Iron Man because he gets shot all the time and gets right back up and keeps going.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

back in black

I want to analyze the song Back In Black by AC/DC.
I am using it from the scene from the movie Iron Man
Discussing the difference in intensity from the original and the iron man

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Flappers to rappers

In The Great Gatsby the song Jay-Z recreated was a perfect representation of how rap music can be put into a more classical setting and be good. The contemporary music in the movie gives it a more lively feeling and makes it more appealing to the people of this time. The music blended perfectly and matched up with the movie perfectly. It depicted the mood in the movie perfectly and showed some intensity and sensitivity. The music is at a perfect pace for the movie and I personally felt like it was made for the movie in a better way than most songs are in other movies. The contemporary music is much more upbeat than jazz and has more appeal to the public. It also gives the movie somewhat of a refurbishing because it has updated to current times even though it is based in the past. I think that attracts some people. The movie spins the music in a way such it seems like it is slowing the music down by a great deal. It made me become lost in what I was watching.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Writing process

In my opinion having mandatory due dates for english is a must. No offense, but english and writing papers just isn't my thing. I can do it and make it look good but it takes a while. Having mandatory due dates help me get the draft done so I can receive assistance on the paper because I need to be guided a little to find out truly what the paper needs to be about. The blog posts helped me really think about the topic and really dissect it and right a nice paper after investigating. Please keep on having dates because I need them or I have a lot of trouble.

Monday, August 26, 2013

In crossfire there were a lot of attacks on the person who was arguing. There were attacks on the comedian as to how he is a comedian and didn't take chances. The politicians thought the comedian was not taking opportunities he was given to attack John Kerry. It was a very sarcastic argument and main points were not made. It was very opinionated with no facts. The man with a bow tie continued to interrupt the comedian and would't allow him to finish. A repeated phrase by the comedian was "please stop hurting America". The comedian also said it hurt him to watch the show, but he did anyway. The comedian however stayed relaxed through the whole argument and did not get heated even when the politicians would.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Highschool writing process

Through the duration of high school I did a fair amount of writing. I would always receive the topic for the essay and depending on what the topic was, was how easy or hard it was for me to write. If it was something I was interested in I would start brainstorming mentally. I never write down on paper my brainstorming except for small points that are important. From the it is easy for me to formulate strong adjectives and make the story flow and can write a whole essay in one sitting with ease. However with topics I am not fond of it becomes very difficult and I tend to procrastinate and then end up writing a horrendous paper. It was always most difficult for me to research for subjects and write about them. I prefer to pull as close to 100 percent of the information from my knowledge I already have or a reading that relates to the class and not a research paper. As a student in high school I was always very distracted by my surroundings and had to isolate myself to get my papers done. Here at Auburn I will stay in the library a good amount to get work done. As well I will be making many appointments with you to help me with my papers in relation to where to put sentences or just how I could improve the paper. I am here to get the best out of college so I am willing to do what I can to succeed.